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Aussie Aussie is offline
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Default Recipe help Chicken with galliano and tarragon

Mark Herron > wrote in

> Hi everyone,
> Pretty much a lurker here but am seeking a helping hand to find an old
> recipe that I made a few times years ago, like in the 70's and maybe
> once in the 80's.
> It used to be in a booklet on the neck of the lovely tall Galliano
> liqueur bottles in the late 60's early 70's.
> The basic recipe is baked chicken pieces, galliano and tarragon but
> there are a few bits in the method as well as a few ingredients that
> have faded into the mists of time.
> I have Googled this thing countless times over the last 6 months and
> never found anything like it, many recipes seem to have cream and all
> sorts of ghastly additions which I'd prefer not to use.
> Anyone who might have that recipe and would post it would be sincerely
> thanked,
> Cheerz Mark.

Well, as you state there "are a few bits in the method as well as a few
ingredients that have faded in time" and then, "many recipes have cream and
all sorts of ghastly additions"........ it makes it a bit hard to find the
recipe you want. And as I don't have a Galliano bottle from the 70's-



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