Question about Turning Wine in a Cellar
Exactly what I thought. Thanks.
Was amazed cause suddenly I had some doubt.
Appreciate your comments.
"Michael Pronay" > wrote in message
> "dick" > wrote:
> > Wine laying down in my cellar is rarely disturbed. Someone
> > acquainted to the wine business said I should be turning my
> > bottles.
> Total rubbish, another urban legend that seems to be unable to
> die.
> > Does anyone here actually turn bottles anymore that are in long
> > term cellaring?
> Nobody. Nor in short term cellaring, btw.
> > Granted sometimes the sediment is collected on one side of my
> > bottles after a number of years but that never seemed to bother
> > me or the taste of the wine.
> Sediment tastes bitter, and having it collected always on the same
> place, i.e. on the opposite side of the label, just proves how
> ridiculous the story of "turning bottles" is.
> M.