On Oct 27, 2:08*pm, Chemo the Clown > wrote:
> On Oct 27, 11:54*am, John Kuthe > wrote:
> > My favorite TV chef of all time is coming to STL! Nigella Lawson!!
> >http://www.stltoday.com/entertainmen...s/off-the-menu...
> > I'm gonna buy a copy of her new book and get her autograph too! :-)
> > John Kuthe, BSN, RN
> I don't think she's all that grat but she does have nice lips, hooters
> and substantial booty.
Hey Chemo! Have some respect when you're talkin' about a woman I'd
marry if given the opportunity! Not only is she beautiful, but I
highly admire her style, grace and passions! And her Slut Red
Raspberries in Chardonnay Jelly which I've made and then invested in a
lot of ice to keep gelatinized to take on a camping and float trip
with a group of friends, for dessert for Sat evening's dinner
confab! :-)
John Kuthe, BSN, RN