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Aratzio Aratzio is offline
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Posts: 16
Default your -All- pathetic!

On Fri, 29 Oct 2010 15:47:23 -0700 (PDT), in the land of
alt.usenet.kooks, Peter Lucas > got double secret
probation for writing:

>You loosers are totally pathetic. Your childish,wittlless, stupid and
>Theres isnt one post on this whole forum that looks like it came from
>anyone who has more IQ points than there teeth.
>Revenge? What a frikken joke! You wouldnt know how to get revenge on
>anyone. You poor deluded little twonks. rename the group to Potty-
>Mouthkindergarten you morons. What a bunch of inefective jerk offs.
>Shyte, I wish people wouldnt let their kids have access to computers
>without supervision.
>Ill leave you here to lick each others slimy little arses and suck
>each others tiny little cocks.
>It was a waste of time coming here. Bye shyte eaters; and dont forget
>to watch frikken sesame street in the morning.
>I dont give up, I dont go away, I just get angrier and angrier until
>I get to feel bones breaking in the arseholes that are ****ing me
>You laugh and feel smug now but I PROMISE you, all pricks that
>post on the forums are going to feel MAJOR pain.
>I already know where one of you am, you have already had an ISP track
>you down for something else. I got that info shyte for brains and Im
>going to use it.
>Laugh now cos you sure as shyte wont laugh later.
>You want to know why I got the nickname Psycho? Because I went to jail
>for biting a guys finger off after he gave me the finger in traffic.
>I followed him for almost thirty miles before I got the cowardly
>little arsehole.
>You dipshits have pised me off a ****ing sight more than he did.
>Frikken wannabee forum loosers!

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