On 10/29/2010 08:13 AM, George Shirley wrote:
> On 10/29/2010 9:00 AM, Kitty wrote:
>> do you peel the eggplant before using for CAPPONATA?
> Always, I've never met an eggplant with edible skin.
The thin Japanese eggplant I buy have very thin and inoffensive skins,
and I see no reason to remove those even if one normally doesn't like
eggplant skin, but I eat the skins of all eggplant. I don't peel them.
The only exception is for baba ganouj, and that's a texture thing: I
scoop the roasted eggplant out of the skin. Occasionally, I leave the
skin on, but I don't particularly like what it does to the texture.
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