Trimming and using older basal plant
On Oct 30, 1:41*pm, "Kent" > wrote:
> I've been cultivating a basal plan for the past several months. It's had
> exuberant grow of large leaves until recently. Now the plan is smaller, with
> smaller leaves and tiny "flowerettes" on top. Our nighttime low here is
> about 45F. What do you do when the temp goes below freezing? We only get to
> about 30F in the middle of winter. Can you eat the little flowerettes?
Yes. I've been pillaging the poor basil plants outside all Summer/
Fall. and I'm sorry to say they are coming to their demise soon. But
I've been eating the tippy tops be them leaves or flowerettes for a
while now. The flowerettes have a little more 'bite' to their flavor,
but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
John Kuthe...