8 Sandwiches I Would Rather Die than Eat (was 50 Sandwichesto Eat before you Die)
On 30/10/2010 4:28 PM, gloria.p wrote:
> Don't tell the Scandinavians that. I've eaten smoked salmon many times
> in Sweden abd Norway with other mild cheeses on homemade rye bread or
> knackebrod (Wasa, hardtack, cracker bread.) Bagels aren't readily
> available all over the world.
Having been in Denmark several times and once in Sweden, I have fond
memories of open face sandwiches with smoked salmon, and even better,
smoked eel. AAMOF my lunch today was cream cheese and lox on a
(Montreal) bagel. It was delicious, but some of those Scandinavian
breads were as good or better.