Ping Blake
On Sat, 30 Oct 2010 23:12:03 -0500, Stu wrote:
> On Sat, 30 Oct 2010 21:06:24 -0500, Sqwertz >
> wrote:
>>On Sat, 30 Oct 2010 20:04:38 -0500, Stu wrote:
>>> On 31 Oct 2010 00:15:26 GMT, Cheryl > wrote:
>>>>On Fri 29 Oct 2010 10:10:21p, Stu wrote in
>>>>> I used Fedora for many years till our provider forced us onto
>>>>> windows live, now it's outlook 2007, I won't use windows live.
>>>>Provider enforced? Provider as in provider of what?
>>> Our ISP told us that we were migrating to windows live, this just
>>> after they shut down their news server, then shut down their mail
>>> servers.
>>That still makes no sense whatsoever. ISP's do not use Windows
>>Live Anything to serve their customers. And if they don't even
>>have a mail server, there is absolutely NO possibility that they
>>could force you to use any specific operating system or mail
>>You have no clue WTF you're talking about.
> Actually that's where you're wrong.
> Our ISP shut down the newsgroup servers, then told all it's users that
> they were migrating to windows live (hotmail). They migrated us all,
> and now they only use a server as a pipe to redirect our mail to
> Microsoft nothing more, it does not receive mail so it can not be
> considered a mail server.
> As for the mail client, they needed one that was port configurable,
> and our ISP said to use Outlook Express because Microsoft preferred
> it used with windows live. It was just a coincidence that we used
> Outlook that came with our Office Professional 2007, we have the same
> office only version 2010 on the laptop and other desktop.
So in other words they didn't "force" you to use WLM. All email
clients are "port configurable".
And of course Microsoft would "prefer" you use their client
(probably not for any legitimate reason other than Plans for World