14 Sandwiches I Have Eaten (was 50 Sandwiches to Eat before you Die)
On Sat, 30 Oct 2010 14:48:40 -0500, Andy wrote:
> "Catmandy (Sheryl)" > wrote:
>> When I visited Stan several years ago, he took me to Jim's Steaks at a
>> mall in the Northeast part of Philly, near where his parents live. It
>> was a very good sandwich. I don't remember what kind of cheese I
>> requested. I imagine I got onions, as I love onions. Stan of course,
>> did use ketchup on his. I only used ketchup on the fries, which were
>> good. When we got to South Philly a few hours prior, we were going to
>> get identical sandwiches from Pat's and Geno's and eat half of each
>> one, to determine which we liked better. However, neither of us was
>> hungry enough to do the sandwich justice, as we'd had a big breakfast
>> at the diner at Reading Terminal Market. And I do mean big!!! We
>> opted, instead, for water ices and shared a pretzel as an afternoon
>> snack, and did an early dinner at Jim's.
>> The point of this is, Stan uses ketchup on his cheesesteak. And was
>> born and raised in Philly.
> Catmandy,
> The "rule" of a great cheesesteak doesn't need ketchup, is similar to
> the difference of opinion long raging about ketchup on hot dogs! It's
> dogged snobbery is all it really amounts to, imho.
> For a cold leftover "breakfast" cheesesteak I apply a thin streak of
> Dijon mustard. It "wakes it up" deliciously!
yep, a thin streakof dijon transforms a cold, flabby cheesesteak into a
gourmet delight!