On Wed, 03 Nov 2010 19:13:00 -0700, sf > wrote:
>On Wed, 3 Nov 2010 19:13:06 +0000 (UTC), Doug Freyburger
> wrote:
>> Like kamut, spelt is a less domesticated relative of wheat. It's lower
>> in gluten than the common breeds of wheat. Folks who are mildly wheat
>> or gluten intolerant could consider trying them. No luck when I tried
>> them but I know other wheat intolerant people who can eat either kamut
>> or spelt without problems. It's something to experiment with.
>Thanks, I'll ask DIL if she wants to take a chance. I also like your
>idea of breadless stuffing and crustless pumpkin pies. It would be a
>good excuse to buy some cute ramekins at the very least. Do you have
>a breadless stuffing recipe that you use for inspiration or do you
>just wing it? I suppose I could make cornbread using no wheat and
>make a cornbread type stuffing if the breadless stuffing idea doesn't
>fly at my house.