Vegetarian guest at Thanksgiving
On Thu, 04 Nov 2010 10:51:31 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:
> On 03/11/2010 10:14 PM, zxcvbob wrote:
> > Chemo the Clown wrote:
> >
> >> What if the meat eaters want some of that?
> >
> >
> > Why would that be a problem? :-)
> >
> As I wrote in another post, it was for me once. I was hasseled for
> eating vegiebabes at a cook-out because they were for the vegetarians
> (according to the woman who was bitching at me for eating them).
> >
That's what happens when the person in charge doesn't plan properly
and I think you had the right attitude. You were a paying guest and
she should have shut up.
Never trust a dog to watch your food.