Michel wrote on Thu, 04 Nov 2010 12:44:57 -0500:
>> Do you remember which varities were favored? It might be
>> interesting to try a really good balsamic vinegar. I'm not
>> sure that I ever have. About the best for me has been Trader
>> Joe's.
> They weren't talking about the best beyond saying that
> tradizionale was an essential component of the name. What
> they did was review house brands from local (Montréal) sources: Métro
> supermarkets and a local shop called Les douceurs du marché.
> Four of the five were labelled Aceta balsamico di Modena, but
> none were tradizionale.
> Unfortunately, I had to park the car in a parking garage and
> missed the end. This is the page for that segment:
> http://www.radio-canada.ca/emissions..._conseil/2010-
> 2011/chronique.asp?idChronique=123690
> http://tinyurl.com/28tdeul
> You can download the segment from he
> http://www.radio-
> canada.ca/Medianet/2010/CBF/LapresmidiPorteConseil201011031305
> _1.asx
> http://tinyurl.com/2e5aeau
Thanks! There is a local gourmet (=expensive) grocery supermarket called
Balducci's and some of their prices for balsamic vinegar are
flabbergasting! What I'd like to do is find a tasting session. I'd not
mind paying to attend but $20 for a few ounce bottle is intimidating.
I've had balsamic vinegar on strawberries and was not over-impressed but
perhaps I could have used a better variety.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: not.jim.silverton.at.verizon.not