Vegetarian guest at Thanksgiving
On Nov 4, 9:53*am, Dave Smith > wrote:
> On 03/11/2010 10:39 PM, sf wrote:
> > On Wed, 3 Nov 2010 18:05:41 -0400, >
> > wrote:
> >> Now who would ask for anyone else's McCheese recipe? Doesn't each of us have
> >> the best -- Mom's?
> > I guess it depends on what you call a recipe then. *My mother's
> > macaroni and cheese came from the blue box.
> Ew. In my family, macaroni and cheese was a casserole made with a
> cheesey white sauce, butter and break crumb sauce and baked. I never did
> like kraft dinner.
I'm with you, Dave - I can't tolerate the odor of the blue box mac 'n
cheese, let alone the taste. I make mine exactly like you do, or the
same ingredients, anyway. (That would be "buttered bread crumbs,
actually, in my case.)