Vegetarian guest at Thanksgiving
"zxcvbob" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> We are converging at MIL's house for T'giving this year. DD will be >
> traveling quite a ways and arriving at the last minute.
> I will get there early enough to maybe have some influence over the > menu
> but I won't be running the show because I'm not the host. What should I
> offer to make so DD can actually eat a festive meal and not > just an
> austere vegetable plate (with marshmallows)? I have some ideas,
I hope you don't mean that whole list, because it sounds like a Marie Barone
list meant to insult the host. Ask the host if they'd like a vegetarian
offering to take the burden off, and make one like the mushroom thingie if
the answer is yes. You can't assume that either side of the quotient hasn't
consulted or that the vegetable plate isn't enough considering how much is
on it at Thanksgiving.
Turkey and gravy are usually what won't do, but that's only 2 or maybe 12-20
things on the table. Offer homemade whole wheat rolls and buy some nice
cheese she can eat in a roll?