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Dan Abel Dan Abel is offline
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Default Prepared Horseradish In Macaroni Salad?

In article >,
Lou Decruss > wrote:

> I've been craving a nice tangy macaroni salad for days and I've got an
> unexpected day off for a change. I've made mac salad many times and
> it's always good but missing the tangy part I've run across once in
> awhile. Has anyone every used horseradish in theirs? Also would the
> food police come for me if I used small shells rather than elbow mac?

For some reason, I don't particularly like my macaroni salad made with
elbow macaroni. I know it's nothing reasonable, I suspect I've just
eaten too much stale, soggy macaroni salad made with it. Small shells
are my favorite, although salad macaroni is fine:

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> So how you make your salad tangy?

Dry mustard powder is a dependable standard. A few drops of red pepper
sauce (like Tabasco) also works for me. I would like horseradish,
myself, but I'm not so sure about the rest of the family!

Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA