It's just not Thanksgiving without.......................
On Nov 5, 2:19*pm, ImStillMags > wrote:
> For me it's not Thanksgiving without turkey, dressing, gravy, mashed
> potatoes, and my cranberrysauce.
> Everything else is just fine but I must have those 4 things.
> What's your must haves?
Since it's just the two of us, we've pared Thanksgiving down
to the essentials:
tossed salad
cranberry-orange relish (usually consumed as dessert)
We eat around 5 or 6 pm. That allows us to put the
turkey on at a civilized 1 pm.
Occasionally DH sweet-talks me into making mashed potatoes,
but I don't see the point. If I get flustered at the end and don't
get the salad together, it'll be microwaved frozen green beans.
Quite often, I eat the carrots, onions, and celery from the
bottom of the roasting pan, but that's just opportunism.
I don't make roasted vegetables as often as I'd like.
Cindy Hamilton