Whitefish and Pike...
On Fri, 05 Nov 2010 13:38:18 -0500, Janet Wilder wrote:
> On 11/5/2010 12:28 AM, Sqwertz wrote:
>> ... in jelled broth.
>> Yes, after decades of looking at these jars of Manischiewitz stuff
>> that looks like fuzzy white turds and wondering where on my Bucket
>> List they belong, their number finally came up: That number was #
>> $.25. They were previously # $8.99, which would have taken a long
>> time to get to.
>> No expiration date on the jars but they still have some on the
>> shelf with the same lot # selling for $8.99 (They reduced shelf
>> space probably). I can eat them with the big jar of their Motzo
>> Ball soup, for $.25/quart. Or is that illegal?
>> So how do you eat these things, right out of the jar like pickles?
>> Are these the same thing as Gefilte?
> The stuff in the jar doesn't taste like real, home made gefilte fish,
> but I'm going to help you make it taste closer.
> Slice half of a large onion into rings. Peel and slice into coins, two
> carrots. Place the carrots and the onion into a saucepan that will be
> large enough to hold the jar of fish balls and the liquid. Empty the
> fish and liquid into the pan over the carrots and onions. Season with
> white pepper to taste. I'd use two or 3 shakes at least.
> Cover the pot and turn on the heat. Simmer until the carrots are tender
> (not mushy). Pour out the contents of the pot into a refrigerator
> container and chill. When it's cold, serve the fish balls with red
> prepared horseradish (if you can get it, if not, use the white), some of
> the gelled broth and some of the carrot and onion mixture. Enjoy.
> If you think you like it, we'll work on the real thing next.
That's way too much work for $.25! :-) I don't think I'll go to
that much trouble for something I may just throw away.
They really don't seem much different than Chinese/Vietnamese fish
balls according to the ingredients. Just furry instead of smooth
and rubbery. And in a real fish broth. (which I'm assuming is made
from the bones and should be pretty rich).
Thanks. If I like them I'll let you show me how to make the "real"