Vegetarian guest at Thanksgiving
Giusi wrote:
> "Bob Terwilliger" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>> Jill replied to Sycophant about mac & cheese:
>>>> Try it with crushed hard boiled eggs sometime. ;-d
>>> Sorry, but that just sounds nasty. Almost as nasty as the Kraft blue box.
>>> I eat soft boiled eggs for breakfast but definitely wouldn't put hard
>>> boiled eggs on mac & cheese.
>> I remember the wave of revulsion when someone here recounted how Paula
>> Deen
>> put hard-boiled eggs into her turkey gravy and said it was "traditional".
>> This strikes me as a similar practice, probably put out there by the
>> American Egg Board.
> Eggs in gravy is Suthrin. My Tennessee friends served me that, and it isn't
> bad at all. Unnecessary, but not bad.
It makes the "giblets" go farther. (I agree it's unnecessary, but
it doesn't hurt anything)