Mike Tommasi > wrote in
> On Thu, 17 Jun 2004 10:32:37 +0200, Emery Davis >
> wrote:
>>But marketeers will do what they do. Young vines are now a positive,
>>so it seems...
> That's a new one. Who claims this?
> Mike
> Mike Tommasi, Six Fours, France
> email link http://www.tommasi.org/mymail
No one actually claims that they are better but I have seen Young Vines
proclaimed as if it were a good thing. Marketers have identified that
there is a good size popultion that really doesn't know good from bad
and have decided to mine the opportunity. It is like when my stock
broker a few years ago started crowing about funds that had a "tax
advantage" of $X. translation "you took a loss on this sucker."