Bryan wrote:
> The stupidity of lower and middle income folks who vote against their
> own economic best interests. There are two types of Republicans, rich
> ones and stupid ones. I look forward to seeing any specifics about
> the health care plan that you or anyone else who acts like it's a
> disaster might have. It's the finest piece of legislation for over a
> generation.
> --Bryan
Are you aware of the nineteenth century arguments for limiting the
franchise. One cant expect the un or ill educated (including the church
schools) to make intelligent assessments and choices.
And if a conservative party insists upon and accomplishes the
destruction of a once flourishing and successful public school system
they create the fulfillment of their own fears by a false economy that
produces an enfranchised illiterate masses.
I know an elementary school teacher in Ca. that tells me she is not
allowed to contribute to the Social Security system. And thus she will
never get Social Security Benefits. Unless that rule is changed for
teachers and they are given the bonus of a bigger national debt to give
them retirement benefits, there will be less and less people inclined to
choose teaching as a career and i would accept it beings 'means tested'
there are well off teachers who would not miss the lack of less than a
thousand dollars a month.
And many many teachers who will not be able to retire at 62 but expect
to have to work in a deteriorating system till they drop dead.
Unfortunately the ball is rolling, down the Sysiphian hill and it will
be a task of generations to push it back up to where it started its
descent into chaos and the breakdown of modern civilization.
Which, no matter how well or nobly we try may be inevitable.
The nature of the beast.
Expecting or trying to train mankind to be something other than a beast
of the jungle may be a futile task. Life feeds on death and must
encompass its own destruction, one way or another.
The animals species that is Man may be inherently, neurologically or
even genetically incapable of creating a fully equitable system for very
large numbers (billions and billions) of people.
And of course, if this "Beast" that is mankind manages to genuinely
threaten itself with the fruits of the tree of knowledge (of which they
ate) its own self destruction it might get theological and yet baring
the complete destruction of the biosphere and the extinguishing of all
life on earth, anything less would be a mere foot note in history.
Civilizations rise and fall, and so called "modern" civilization and the
impact its having on traditional cultures seems to me at this time not
in the best of health, and really showing signs of a potentially fatal
stress. The obesity epidemic and all its symptomology is as much a
metaphor of modern civilization as it is a medical issue.
The liberals want to give too much according to the conservatives who
want to give less and are called selfish by the more liberal.
Those people trying to be a better people don't mind regulations and
watchful concern by a higher authority deserving of respect, while those
selfish people who not only want more money & more power to abuse others
with in order to get more money/power, don't want no 'big brother'
interfering with their ability to be as abusive as they can get away
with. Individually, familiarly, tribally, culturally, corporately.
It all seems very simple to me but ...."who does not learn from history
is doomed to repeat it."
The price of liberty is eternal vigilance and modern civilization has
got complacent. If not asleep at the wheel then perhaps a bit drowsy
after 60 years of gorging on its abundance. And in the process
encouraging others to do the same. Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow
we may....
Mr. Joseph Paul Littleshoes Esq.
Domine, dirige nos.
Let the games begin!