Omelet wrote:
> Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> Omelet wrote:
>> > Sqwertz wrote:
>> >> Omelet wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > I am done with discussing politics on this list.
>> >> > It does not belong here. At all.
>> >>
>> >> Kinda like all your Gun Talk.
>> >
>> >You may note that I totally ignored the last gun thread jackass...
>> The gaseous dwarf is fulla beans.
>He's acting like the typical reject. <g>
The sqwertz dwarf has a very negative outlook, he has no sense of
humor whatsoever, with every situation he only sees the glass half
empty... personality wise he could easily be a clone of the mick and
notbob.... even the baboon assface cracks an occasional smile.
Crack... get it. lol
>Nice pot of beans! ;-d
I wouldn't do the Cajon flavored again, should have tossed those
flavor packets... nor would I do those multi-bean mixes, it's just a
cutesy gimmick... probably promoted by the dried bean companys as a
way sell their warehouse floor sweepings/dregs.