In article >,
George > wrote:
> About what? Am I confused about the organization of the Federal
> government? I don't want elitists and I don't want members who are owned
> by big business. Just look at the voting record on most of the
> legislation that got us to where we are and you will see both parties
> worked together. Many people are tired of the usual "democrats did it"
> "no the republicans did it" nonsense. Tossing people out and keeping
> others sitting on the edge of their chairs is a good thing.
Sure. Let's just throw them all out and let bums off the street run the
government. Wait a minute! Maybe that's not a good idea?
> One of the reasons I voted to fire our Democrat Congressman who I always
> supported was because he became one of the biggest cheerleaders for
> bailing out all of his pirate friends in the banking industry. So
> instead of allowing them to fail for the excess risk they took he was
> one of the major promoters of the "to big to fail" marketing campaign so
> that his owners could enjoy big bonuses, not wear handcuffs and keep
> their pirate businesses operating as usual and the average person had to
> pay for it all.
The time to stop that collapse was back in the late 1990's when the
regulations were gutted. Once things started collapsing, there really
wasn't much choice. People talk about holding the banks responsible,
but that wasn't really possible. All deposits in US banks are
guaranteed by the Federal Government (the FDIC or related group). The
banks weren't gambling with their own money. They were gambling with
their depositor's money, which was guaranteed by the government. The
government was going to have to pay up, one way or the other.
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA