Salut/Hi Mark Lipton,
le/on Fri, 18 Jun 2004 10:08:17 -0500, tu disais/you said:-
>Congratulations to you both, Ian! And you can tell Jacquie that I think
>she's exaggerating her age. ;-)
Thanks very much, Mark. BTW, we have it on medical authority, she's "bien
conservé". I passed on your message. I should also say that last night at
the party she most certainly did NOT look her age.
>> Had I known more accurately what Alain had in mind, I'd have served a white
>> hermitage, "Mule Blanche", which would have been a perfect match, IMO.
>??? Who makes the "Mule Blanche," Ian?
>> A lovely evening, our friends clubbed together to give Jacquie a combined
>> DVD player and Video recorder and I even got to give a speech!
>They let you give a speech? Friends indeed, Ian! :P
They were too busy chattering to notice. (;-))
Seriously - I made a fairly quick, jokey speech, and as it was the end of
the meal, people were probably too full of good food to be critical!
All the Best
Ian Hoare
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