NO Panko! (WAS: For The Panko Doubters)
Omelet wrote on Mon, 08 Nov 2010 16:00:15 -0600:
>> Come to think of it, I may have used corn meal to fry up some
>> catfish - it's a natural for catfish. I've only cooked
>> catfish up once. They looked great but tasted horrible - all
>> swampy and scuzzy. This was catfish that we caught but my
>> guess is that store bought is a lot better than something you
>> catch in a reservoir. That's probably the reason I don't
>> remember using cornmeal as breading - I'm trying to forget!
> <lol> I don't blame you! Wild caught catfish tends to be on
> the muddy tasting side, unless you can let it live for a few
> days in cold, clean water. I prefer the farm raised.
> People criticize farm raised fish but when it comes to
> catfish, it's so much cleaner tasting. It's a "meaty" fish,
> not fishy at all.
At the urging of friends who say that catfish is much improved by
farming, I try it every few years. "Clean", it tasted like mud 50 years
ago and still does to me! I'll admit that I am not enthusiastic about
any fresh water fish except perhaps trout.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: