(2010-11-09) NS-RFC: Plate up...
First Sycophant wrote:
>>> Here is how I was taught to set a table. To the right of the plate goes
>>> the knife and the spoon (the knife to the inside next to the plate with
>>> the edge facing the left). To the left, salad fork and dinner fork. The
>>> knife and spoon are placed on the folded napkin.
Then Squeaks wrote:
>> "At the left of the plate, the dinner fork; at the right, the dinner
>> knife next to the plate, then the soup spoon or dessert spoon (if
>> necessary) on the outside; butter plate to the left and above the fork
>> with the butter knife laid on it diagonally from the upper left to the
>> lower right; napkin at the left of the fork; salad plate (if necessary);
>> coffee mug or cup and saucer with the spoon goes to the right of the
>> mugs."
To which Sycopant replied in a drug-addled haze:
> Oh cool. My mom got it right. :-)
No, dumbass, your mom taught you to put the napkin on the wrong side of the
plate, and to incorrectly put the knife and spoon on top of it. Could you
POSSIBLY be more stupid?