"ChattyCathy" > wrote in message
> On Thu, 11 Nov 2010 22:24:04 -0800, Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:
>> On Thu, 11 Nov 2010 08:31:09 -0500, "Nancy Young"
>> > arranged random neurons and said:
>>>Heh. A friend of mine swore she couldn't tell direction because she was
>>>left-handed but the Catholic nuns made her write with her right hand.
>>>You'd better point which way to turn when she was driving, Turn Left had
>>>unpredictable results. Once she spent a weekend at my place down the
>>>shore and called me a couple of hours after she left ... she'd just
>>>gotten home as she got onto the highway going south for an hour .... she
>>>lived north.
>> This is *eggsackly* what happened to me. Ursuline nuns about beat my
>> hands bloody when I was in primary school. To this day, I do most things
>> with my right hand, but throw a ball at me and I grab it with my left. I
>> think that's also why I have a hard time remembering which way to turn a
>> valve and literally mentally chant to myself, "Lefty loosey, righty
>> tighty."
> FWIW, I was born right handed, no nuns were to be seen in my hallowed
> halls of education to beat them to a pulp - and yet I still have
> absolutely *no* sense of direction whatsoever. All I can say is thank gawd
> for detailed road maps and (more recently) my GPS gizmo or I'd never be
> able to find my way *anywhere* ;-)
LOL me too! While I did have nuns in my hallowed halls of education, my
hands were never beated to a pulp either, I have absolutely NO sense of
direction. I don't have problems with right/left though.