NO Panko! (WAS: For The Panko Doubters)
On 11/11/2010 6:54 PM, James Silverton wrote:
> ravenlynne wrote on Thu, 11 Nov 2010 17:25:49 -0500:
>> On 11/11/2010 4:30 PM, James Silverton wrote:
>>> dsi1 wrote on Thu, 11 Nov 2010 11:18:31 -1000:
>>>> On 11/11/2010 2:37 AM, ravenlynne wrote:
>>>>> On 11/10/2010 9:55 PM, dsi1 wrote:
>>>>>> Your best bet is to try the katsu curry from a ramen shop if you
>>>>>> can find one where you live.
>>>>> There are days when I miss living in japan....I could
>>>>> really go for a bowl of real ramen today. With a plate of
>>>>> homemade gyoza.
>>>> A bowl of ramen is a great thing. It has to be made by
>>>> people that love the stuff.
>>> I don't go in for mysticism in cookery :-) There's got to be a good
>>> recipe for the ramen broth or sauce that an ordinary
>>> person can follow.
>> There probably is. Good luck finding it and having it be at
>> all authentic.
>> Might be a good project to research though.
>> A fun movie to watch (though full of fluff) is "The Ramen
>> Girl"
> It's not proving easy and it's surprisingly common to find ramen recipes
> with the words "add the sauce packet", Phooey! Did you ever see the
> Japanese movie "Tampopo"? It involved various antics in obtaining a
> secret noodle recipe and is very funny.
I've heard of it as a precursor to the ramen girl...apparently the share
a common actor.
Currently reading: the thirteenth tale by Diane Setterfield