In article
Nancy2 > wrote:
> On Nov 11, 4:11*am, Bryan > wrote:
> > *I think that the BSE
> > scare was the death knell to the St. Louis Style Brain Sandwich. *OMG,
> > Wikipedia has an article on those
> > too:
Interesting picture in that article. The caption says "Brain
sandwiches, onion rings and German fries." However, it looks more like
the sandwiches, stuff to put in them and three kinds of onions,
including the raw onions (a very generous portion) to put in. The other
onions are fried, and deep fried rings. I don't know what the "German
fries" refers to.
As I remember, Bryan, onions don't agree with you that well.
> > No article on hot dog gravy though. *I don't think that ever made it
> > into restaurants. *This post is approved for use as an appetite
> > suppressant.
> When Alton Brown did his motorcycle trip down/up the Mississippi, he
> and his crew had brain sandwiches somewhere - and that was after the
> BSE scare.
Could be pork brains. And I don't know how BSE spreads. There was some
mention of no brains from adult cows in the cite, and that calf brains
were used on these sandwiches.
There was certainly a big BSE scare back then. My daughter went to
London for a semester. When she came back, she tried to donate blood,
which she has done for years and years. Once they found out she had
been to the UK, they told her they didn't want her blood, and wouldn't
take it for three years! They weren't interested in any details, just
no. She was a vegetarian, and had eaten no meat the whole time!
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA