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James Silverton[_4_] James Silverton[_4_] is offline
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Default Buffalo and other meats

Omelet wrote on Fri, 12 Nov 2010 16:24:09 -0600:

> >> beef fat and I find it interesting that an otherwise tough
> >> cut of lean beef is quite tender when served raw...
> >>

>> ==
>> I have yet to eat ostrich meat. I've seen it in the meat case
>> but for some reason haven't tried it. My neighbors raise
>> emu's but haven't asked them about its edibility.

> Ostrich, to me, is a pleasant treat. :-)

> I've had plenty of emu due to the idiocy of the many emu
> co-ops not organizing properly.

> Several years ago, I put out an offer on an emu e-mail list
> that me (and my family) would come out and slaughter emu for
> them in exchange for half the meat.

> We ended up with more offers than we had time to honor...

> Emu is not bad but (at least in my opinion) Ostrich is better.

> Emu, especially when fed cheap cattle feed to keep the
> production cost down, tastes very similar to venison. It's
> not a bad meat in it's own right and makes incredibly edible
> jerky due to the very low fat.

> It also makes excellent sausage when mixed with pork. Treat
> it like Venison and you are good to go.

> But that's just my experience with a few hundred pounds of it.
> Your mileage may vary. <g>

> I still have one pet emu that I've had from an egg. I hatched
> her myself and she is a 100 lb. or so lap bird.

> She will never, ever end up in the freezer. :-) Her name is
> Pauli (named after the guy that gave me the eggs) and she is
> now 13 years old. Pics of her in the Picassa pets album.

I used to like ostrich (and emu!) and it fitted my low-fat
considerations but both have become impossible to find around DC. I
guess those public benefactors, Fresh Fields, did not sell enough.
No-one ever mistook Balduccis for a non-profit store and they don't sell
either meat now.

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

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