Roy wrote:
> Far over-rated as far as I am concerned. My neighbor has about 200 of
> the beasts...they are wild animals that can NEVER be domesticated. I
> have tried many different cuts of bison but I prefer good quality beef
> and like beef from the British breeds the best.
There was a Russian scientist who bred foxes for 20 generations as an
experiment. Each generation he would kill the meanest 75% of the foxes
and breed the mildest 25% of them. By the 20th generation they were
nearly as domesticated as dogs. That says any critter that can be bred
in captivity can be domesticated. It's just a matter of how ruthless
you are willing to cull your stock for domestication traits to the
exclusion of any other trait.
Bisons are bred for meat so behavior isn't at the top of the list of
selected traits. But nearly all bisons are in captivity. In a couple
of centuries they will be as domesticated as cattle. Then we can
domesticate musk oxen ...