Thxs to everyone...
In article >,
>Thxs to everyone here for your suggestions. I'll definitely make notes
>of the suggestions, and of course of the wines I try. It's a new and
>exciting experience, and I look fwd to doing some tasting hopefully in
>the near future. Thxs again!
Another bit of advice is to hang around this NG for a bit. A lot of the TN's
on wines posted will be beyond where you are now, and may even ever want to
be, BUT there are a ton of great wines discussed here. Don't hesitate to chime
in and ask a TN (oops, sorry tasting note) poster to help you decipher his/her
TN's. Also, do NOT hesitate to ask for suggestions. When you have tasted more,
you will be able to more clearly state what you do and do not like. The more
you sample, the better you can define what is pleasent to you, and that is
what is important. The folk here are good, and helpful and will try their best
to point you to good wines for you.