On Nov 13, 1:54*pm, sf > wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Nov 2010 09:11:12 -0800 (PST), spamtrap1888
> > wrote:
> > On Nov 13, 8:44 am, sf > wrote:
> > >http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/articl...1/13/BAKL1GBDI...
> > > Now that he's Lt. Gov. elect, he's not pandering to the
> > > micro-managers, crackpots and child haters on the Board of Stoops.
> > It's already the law in Santa Clara County, which seems determined to
> > take the crown as the Nanny State leader. Now you cannot smoke in your
> > non-detached home (applies in unincorporated areas only). I guess they
> > feel the lower classes should not be smoking anyways. Light up my
> > Cohiba pls.
> I heard that on the radio yesterday, but I thought it was a ban on
> smoking in apartments, condominiums and townhouses - not detached
> houses. *Who is going to enforce the law in this day of cutbacks? *My
> guess is that it will be put at the bottom of the pile of all the
> other unenforced laws already on the books.
You read his post wrong. It doesn't apply to detaches houses. A
better thing would be to have apartment buildings designated from the
get go.