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Leo Bueno
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Default Wine price markup at restaurants: your thoughts please.

What is the *maximum* restaurant price that you consider reasonable or
fair for a bottle of wine that sells at retail for $10?

Please express your opinion and see the current results at the

The purpose of this poll is to estimate what wine consumers consider
to be a fair or reasonable markup price for wine at restaurants.

The question is not whether a restaurant should be able to charge, in
a legal or regulatory sense, whatever it pleases for the products it
sells. We assume that those of you taking this poll live in
quasi-free-market economies, so the premise is that the price should
be whatever the restaurant wants.

The inquiry is more personal; it focuses on your subjective
perspective as a wine consumer. So, please take the time to think
about and answer the question; two clicks is all it takes! You will
then see the results and comments from other folk.


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