On Sat, 13 Nov 2010 14:09:15 -0800, sf wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Nov 2010 11:04:32 -0800 (PST), Bryan
> > wrote:
>> On Nov 13, 10:44*am, sf > wrote:
>>> http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/articl...1/13/BAKL1GBDI...
>>> Now that he's Lt. Gov. elect, he's not pandering to the
>>> micro-managers, crackpots and child haters on the Board of Stoops.
>> I can understand "micro-managers, crackpots," but child haters? Come
>> on.
> They'd never get elected if they said it publicly, but oh yeah. Child
> haters. I don't remember what they call themselves (I think they have
> their own newsgroup too), but they're the ones who call the rest of us
> with children "breeders" in a very derogatory voice.
maybe so, but i don't think they are the force behind banning toys in happy
meals. they'd just as soon the little buggers choke.
your pal,