Somewhat OT, mt week in hell
In article >,
Dave Smith > wrote:
> It was supposed to be a simple angiogram to rule out the possibility of
> blocked arteries. If they found a blockage they would try repair it
> right way. I was supposed o go in at 10 am , hour long procedures and
> then home. There are risks to some procedures, and I thought that 1 in
> a thousand sounded good. How was I to know I would be the one.
horror story snipped
> If the pain was not bad enough, I think the medication has slowed down
> time, almost to a stop. I was so bored. Hours passed like weeks. Then
> my first meal came..... a slab of beef and some rice. It was awful.
I remember getting Froot Loops on my breakfast tray one morning. I was
> I spent 4 days in the ICU and was then moved to rehab for the rest of my
> stay. They finally let me out yesterday. It is amazing how tired you can
> get from walking 20 yards.
Sorry to hear about your VERY bad week. Take it easy getting on the
road to recovery. I assume you are going to get more cardiac rehab to
rebuild your strength. As far as food goes, get a bit more lean protein
in to help heal the ribs and chest.
C.J. Fuller
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