On Mon, 15 Nov 2010 08:27:22 -0000, Ophelia wrote:
> > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Nov 14, 10:15 pm, learnspeakingenglish
>> > wrote:
>>> We will begin with BOX and the plural is BOXES.
>>> But the plural OX should be OXEN and not OXES.
>>> Visit for more
>>> http://sites.google.com/site/easyeng...-the-funniest-...
>> What I'd like to know is how come bough, cough, dough, rough, and
>> tough don't all rhyme? What about bomb, comb, tomb, and womb?
> Just to catch you out.... <eg>
> --
when you're the top dog in the language department you can do any ****ing
thing you want.
your pal,