Newbie Wine Q
On Nov 15, 3:40*am, "TheScullster" > wrote:
> Hi all
> First time in this group and it looks well spammed!
> Anywho - being a total wine duffer, I am looking for something a bit up
> market from our usual tipple.
> Me and the missus have enjoyed the Jacob's Creek standard of tipple and are
> particularly partial to their reds (Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon).
> For this we pay £7-£9 a bottle IIRC.
> If I pay nearer £20, will I see a significant improvement in quality/flavour
> etc?
> If so, whose wines should I try? *If you are familiar with the Jacob's Creek
> offerings, they are rich and thick (sort of thing) - not at all watery. *Is
> this what's known as full bodied? *This is the style of wine I would be
> looking to buy, with whatever improvement can be bought IYSWIM.
> Suggestions on variety and stockist anyone please?
> Phil
I'll not make recs, as I'm in US and what's available will be
different. But my best advice is to try a wineshop with a good staff.
Tell them what you've like, try their suggestions, and then report
back your reactions. There'll be some early misses, but eventually a
good shop will zero in on your preferences.