I need new cookware
On 11/15/2010 5:21 PM, sf wrote:
> ... and Macy's has a sale tomorrow. I'll have a choice between
> Calpholon, Analon and All Clad. If the All Clad isn't copper core
> should I bother? The Analon looks pretty good, nice heft... Calpholon
> is the dark one, which is what I need the way I scorch my pans cooking
> with gas (and I barely crank it up to medium).
> I know All Clad is the leading favorite in most discussion groups, I
> have *old* Calpholon (it's nice and thick) that I still love and I
> know nothing about Analon. What's your experience with them?
I love my Calphalon stock pot but hate the sautee pan (teflon coated)
that my MIL gave me.
Currently reading: The Chalice by Phil Rickman