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ImStillMags ImStillMags is offline
Posts: 5,466
Default Uh oh, there goes...

On Nov 15, 4:35*pm, "gloria.p" > wrote:
> Some of you may remember my asking last spring about Smart and Final
> stores. *Between May and July they remodeled and opened five Smartco
> stores in Colorado in what had recently been defunct Albertsons.
> The early news just reported that all five would close, with "deep
> discount" sales starting this Wednesday. *The blame was put on
> "disappointing sales volume". *They gave it 5-6 months.
> Holy cow! *I didn't like the stores even though there was one very close
> to home. *The staff was terrific but prices on non-sale items were quite
> high. *They did have a very interesting selection of foods appealing to
> a wide variety of ethnicities, but lots of off brands of common things.
> I'm not happy about more empty storefronts, but what can you do?
> gloria p

Why would Smart and Final compete with itself? Makes no sense to
me. Obviously 5 stores in one area was too much.