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Default Bought something I don't know what to do with

On Tue, 16 Nov 2010 16:43:05 +0100, "Michael Kuettner"
> wrote:

>"spamtrap1888" schrieb :
>> "Michael Kuettner" wrote:
>>> How typically USAn. "I want trademark protection and copyright
>>> protection, as long as it doesn't apply to me."

>> Can you trademark the name of a village?

>It's a region, not a village ...
>> Who owns the trademark?

>The wineries in the Champagne.
>> In the broader sense of an indication of source used to eliminate
>> customer confusion, don't you agree that "California champagne" would
>> prevent customers from thinking it came from Rheims or Epernay?

>Why not simply write sparkling wine ?
>Otherwise, I have no problems with "California champagne".
>> Do you rail against all the fragrance makers who claim to sell eau-de-
>> Cologne, because it's not echt Koelnischwasser? Or you just pick on
>> Americans?

>I picked on the Americans here because I remember the stink they
>raised when "Champagne" was protected ...
>(It prohibited the vineries to use faux labels with a big "Champagne"
>on it and "made in CA" in microscopic print somewhere on the label.
>Lobbyism at its finest...)
>> Realize if the word "Champagne" were copyrighted, Kuettner would owe
>> the author royalties. Again, who was the author?

>A nice strawman.
>This is about producer _and_ consumer protection.
>It's about correct labelling.
>>> The good thing : If I want Champagne, I get the real thing
>>> instead of USAn junk.


>> You don't drink Sekt? (A corruption of the French word for "dry.") How
>> unpatriotic.

>Of course I drink Sekt (a good Mumm or a dry Schlumberger aren't bad).
>But they label their bottles "Sekt".
>I also drink (Pro)secco. They also label their bottles thusly.
>I also drink Champagne.
>I've also tried Californian sparkly wines.
>We could argue whether Champagne is worth the higher price.
>I don't think so, in most cases - but, well ...
>Now for "unpatriotic" : We are shockingly unpatriotic. We don't salute
>our flag, we don't swear funny oaths. We also don't have schmalzy
>renditions of the national anthem at every ****ing soccer game.
>The only time that thing is sung is when our national team get's clobbered
>by^W^W^W plays against another country. And even then half of the players
>don't know the text.
>OTOH, we don't invade foreign countries ...
>Now, before you ask : Yes, I was in the army.
>Michael "lalahmhmlahmhmhmla or something like that" Kuettner

Hey Michael you in Canada?