Michael Kuettner wrote:
> Now for "unpatriotic" : We
WHo are "we"? Canadians?
> are shockingly unpatriotic. We don't salute
> our flag, we don't swear funny oaths. We also don't have schmalzy
> renditions of the national anthem at every ****ing soccer game.
> The only time that thing is sung is when our national team get's clobbered
> by^W^W^W plays against another country. And even then half of the players
> don't know the text.
> OTOH, we don't invade foreign countries ...
> Now, before you ask : Yes, I was in the army.
> Cheers,
> Michael "lalahmhmlahmhmhmla or something like that" Kuettner
The Swiss?
Mr. Joseph Paul Littleshoes Esq.
Domine, dirige nos.
Let the games begin!