Originally Posted by ravenlynne[_5_]
On 11/15/2010 5:28 PM, Nancy2 wrote:
On Nov 15, 3:59 pm, wrote:
On Nov 15, 1:34 pm, wrote:
Why do people put raw egg in their stuffing/dressing? Does it serve a
purpose? I've made it with and without, eaten other peoples products
and still haven't figured it out. Why use it?
Never trust a dog to watch your food.
It's a binder. It keeps the dressing from falllng apart. And it adds
to the flavor a lot.
My dressing sans egg never falls apart. I don't get it.
Mine either. I just make it really moist with stock and top with butter
before putting in the oven.
Currently reading: The Chalice by Phil Rickman
Hear, here. Now your speakin' English. Real stock with simple spices and giblets. It's the simplicity that makes this holiday my favorite. Well, maybe eating til I burst has something to do with it, too.
Eggs in stuffing (hard-boiled sounds insane for this), eggs in mac 'n cheese. Odd stuff. I add one to meatloaf and German potato pancakes. Not much else besides maybe a fish fry.
I love eggs for their simplicity as a stand alone perfect food. I have, thankfully, never tried a stuffing with hard-boiled eggs.