Key Lime taste off
On Tue, 16 Nov 2010 15:09:51 -0500, Goomba wrote:
> sf wrote:
>> On Tue, 16 Nov 2010 12:10:13 -0600, Omelet >
>> wrote:
>>> In article >,
>>> sf > wrote:
>>>> On Sun, 14 Nov 2010 14:37:52 -0600, Omelet >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> In article >,
>>>>> sf > wrote:
>>>>>> On Sun, 14 Nov 2010 03:53:36 -0600, Omelet >
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> With pleasure. He's obviously never seen somebody's leg on a
>>>>>>> dissection
>>>>>>> table like I have. Usually due to Diabetes...
>>>>>> I know someone who is seriously considering removing both of her legs
>>>>>> due to the complications of diabetes.
>>>>> Poor girl. :-( That truly sux.
>>>>> She may want to consider seeing a pain specialist first.
>>>>> I know someone with Diabetic neuropathy that is experiencing some real
>>>>> success with Accupuncture.
>>>> I'm pretty sure there's a matter of insurance too. I don't know how
>>>> much, if any, insurance she has.
>>> Jen' does not have any... She is paying for Accupuncture out of pocket.
>>> Hard for me to believe that insurance would pay for a double amputation
>>> and lifelong followup care, but would not pay for nerve block injections?
>> We're already deep into a conversation I know no details about.
> That's ok.. Om doesn't appear to know much about the psychophysiology of
> diabetes either.
amputation as a method for pain relief just sounds goofy. the 'phantom
pain' phenomenon is well-known.
your pal,
your pal,