(2010-11-12) NS-RFC: Lactose intolerance
Goomba wrote on Wed, 17 Nov 2010 17:37:37 -0500:
>> I would say the hell with moderation; it's all or nothing!
>> Any hope for success is rather like giving up smoking, which I did
>> long ago. I've tried more or less successfully for a
>> "no-fat" diet for 20 years since a heart operation and, if it
>> ain't broke, don't fix it! My cardiologist is now saying that
>> olive oil is good for you but, given the advice I have
>> received from him over the years, I'm not sure that I can
>> bring myself to believe him.
>Oh pahleese. You and your doctor are about 20 years behind the times
>then since they've been touting the benefits of olive oil (and the
>entire Mediterranean diet) for about that long
It depends a lot on who "they" is. There have been lots of other damn
fool diets proposed over the years: South Beach, vegetarian, grapefruit,
you name it!
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: not.jim.silverton.at.verizon.not