Do you use an electric knife? My old HB just died.
Dave Smith wrote:
> On 21/11/2010 4:37 PM, Kalmia wrote:
>> Granted, it was over 40 years old, but hadn't seen that much duty. An
>> occasional pineapple, maybe a London broil twice a year....
>> I know I can get along without it, but if the urge to buy one erupts,
>> what would be a reliable knife? (Cuisinart is OUT, if you recall the
>> recalcitrant waffle iron.) Thanks.
> We were given an electric carving knife as a wedding present 37 years
> ago. I don't know if it works. I think that I have used it twice.
We received two of them as wedding gifts in 1966. Gave both of them
away. The dual blades hacked things rather than slicing. YMMV.
gloria p