Clean Your Fridge Day
On Sun, 21 Nov 2010 20:44:59 -0500, "Paco" > arranged
random neurons and said:
>"BigBadBubba" > wrote in message
>> "Paco" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "Brooklyn1" <Gravesend1> wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> Huh? You should only have to clean the toilet you use... the others
>>>> should clean the one they use... or do they tinkle a bell and you run
>>>> to wipe their asses too... are they small children or adults with a
>>>> mental/physical disability? I clean my cat's pottys but I'll be
>>>> damned if I'm gonna clean a terlit some perfectly capable adult uses.
>>> Do your guests have to bring their own bowl swabs and cleaning products
>>> or do you provide them?
>> Do you actually believe that he has guests (besides cats), or are you just
>> playing with him?
>By "guests", I actually meant mental health caseworkers, parole officers,
>other law enforcement officials, etc.
<snort!> First smile I was able to crank out today. Thanks, Paco.
Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd
"If the soup had been as warm as the wine,
if the wine had been as old as the turkey,
and if the turkey had had a breast like the maid,
it would have been a swell dinner." Duncan Hines
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