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Default Shark fin -- how to dry/prepare it?

I went fishing today, and a lady caught a small shark. It was filet'd,
and the lady went home with two big shark steaks.

I asked the captain to cut off the fins and let me have them. My
question is, how do I properly dry and process the fins for soup?

I have them drying on a dehydrator now. Once they're thoroughly dry,
what do I do next?

Please let me know, as I have a pretty-much endless supply of shark
fins. All caught on line, and none "finned." (I find that rather
repulsive. Either use as much of the animal you kill as possible or
don't take it at all.) My jaw pretty-much dropped when the captain
told me his customers always just want steak, and the fins are usually
discarded. He told me he'd save all the fins I wanted in exchange for
an occasional bowl of soup. I know how to make the soup, but I don't
know how to prepare the fins...

Please don't e-mail me, the mail will bounce. Just post an answer

Thanks in advance,
