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Brooklyn1 Brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Wal-mart will bite the dust! (was Another previously reputable company bites the dust...)

On 23 Nov 2010 12:04:00 GMT, sandi > wrote:

>"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in
>> "Sky" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 11/22/2010 10:19 PM, sandi wrote:
>>> (snip)
>>> That's smart shopping Not many folks know to do that!
>>> Sky
>>>> I've gone in to Wal Mart, taken a pic then taken the
>>>> camera/cell pic
>>>> to Home Depot and they will match the price +10%. :-)

>> Because it is not a very efficient way to save a few pennies.
>> It would have to be a very expensive item to justify the gas
>> to make the trip to another store.

>The local Walmart is about one block away (or less, just a
>guestimate) from Home Depot in a strip mall area.

The Walmart I go to shares the parking lot with Lowes, the stores are
separted by about 500' of landscaping... but no one is going drive
from store to store hunting for a parking spot and wait on lines to
try and save 8¢ on a pack of AA cells... and if it's an expensive item
(like a vacuum cleaner) with a substantial price difference customer
service will phone over for a price check. Anyway, they have
employees whose job it is to constantly price shop other stores, they
all know each other store's prices and price appropriately. And
almost always the sale items are not identical; with AA batteries
Walmart sells twelve packs and Lowes's sells 24 packs, and usually
Walmart sells Energizer and Lowe's sells Duracell. And it's the same
with all other products, different brands and/or sizes. They wouldn't
look at your fuzzy cell phone image, most price tag numbers are too
small to see on that teeny screen... nor do the labels show the store
name. Your cell phone picture story is a good try but it's not true.