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Brooklyn1 Brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Another previously reputable company bites the dust...

On Tue, 23 Nov 2010 07:23:25 -0500, George >

>On 11/23/2010 1:33 AM, Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:
>> On Mon, 22 Nov 2010 20:38:23 -0700, >
>> arranged random neurons and said:
>>> Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:
>>>> I haven't been inside a Walmart in probably 10 years and if I go
>>>> another 10 it'll be too soon. I can't support a company that is, from
>>>> top to bottom, a corporate bully, from the way they treat their
>>>> employees (like showing new hires how to apply for MediCal instead of
>>>> providing health benefits) to the way they treat their vendors.
>>> Bingo! I wish more people felt like we do. Walmart is the
>>> quintessential Evil Empire, spreading like a cancer. (How's
>>> that for a mixed metaphor?)

>> I understand that most people "vote" with their wallets and many shop
>> WallyWorld while holding their noses, but enough is enough! The
>> WallyBullies are killing off the mom-and-pop stores, the locally owned
>> stores, the barely-holding-on small chains that are supplying better
>> quality, but higher prices. You want to buy crap for a discount? Go to
>> WallyBullies. You want my business? Give me good quality at a
>> competitive price.
>> Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd

>You forgot one of the key parts. Walmart is the one who "legitimized"
>the idea that it was OK to make huge demands on suppliers until many
>simply either gave up or went off shore. Books were written and courses
>are offered on how to be like walmart.
>So many of the very folks who voted for walmart by buying there didn't
>realize they were cannibalizing themselves because so many manufacturing
>jobs have disappeared.
>I know my area is no different than others. The former industrial parks
>have shuttered buildings except one of course which has a walmart
>distribution center where people get $8/hour to unload cargo containers.

Pure BULLSHIT! Manufacturing companys close or move overseas simply
because they can't find skilled labor in the US... and the US
grubermint taxes them to death, and then there is the EPA, and OSHA.
This has been occuring since long, LONG before there was Walmart...
Walmart has absolutely nothing to do with manufactuing moving out of
the US. WTF do you think all the TVs, vacuum cleaners, sewing
machines automobiles, motorcycles, sporting goods, etc. have been made
elsewhere for many years. George, you're either very young or VERY
ignorant... but most likely Geoarge is simply an asshole.