Wal-mart will bite the dust!
ChattyCathy wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Nov 2010 15:27:12 -0600, Omelet wrote:
> > Many can not or don't bother. See the "People of Wal-mart" website.
> I have. And I still find that site to be in Very Poor Taste. Takes all
> kinds as they say; how would *you* like it if somebody snapped *your*
> photo (without asking your permission and put it up on some website for
> the whole world to snicker at - because, admit it, most of those people
> had no freaking idea they were being photographed) on a "I'm comfortable
> with what I'm wearing and/or the way I look while shopping" day?
> Make that Extremely Poor Taste. But if that's what you find
> amusing/interesting/informative... heh. IMHO, it even makes Facebook
> appear civilized.
Well, in the U.S. at least, taking people's picture in a public setting
does not require their permission.